Personalised medicine for SAIDs

Systemic AutoInflammatory Diseases (SAIDs) are a growing number of rare conditions with monogenic or multifactorial genetic etiology, causing deregulation of the mechanisms that control innate immune responses. For specific monogenic SAID, personalized medicine (PM) is already an established reality. However, there is evidence that other SAIDs, 70-80%, known as “undefined” (uSAIDs) since molecular testing cannot provide diagnostic confirmations, could also benefit from personalized approaches.

Our objectives

PerSAIDs (Personalised medicine for SAIDs) will link some of the largest registries and biosample repositories on SAIDs in Europe to
i) analyse available data and produce new omics,
ii) generate standardized protocols and common bioinformatics pipelines for data management and analysis,
iii) simplify reuse of data in compliance with FAIR principles and GDPR. We will also develop appropriate approaches, including machine learning tools, to decode the disease complexity, thus improving SAIDs classification, diagnosis and prognosis, and supporting the discovery of novel therapies.

ISSAID, Paris April 2025

ISSAID is the 13th Meeting of the International Society of Sistemic Auto-Inflamamtory Diseases. The Congress…

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